
Mary Poppins came out in 1964, directed by Robert Stevenson and based on P.L Travers book series, as something never seen before: a mixture of cartoon characters and real actors.

Julie Andrews starred as the "pratically perfect in every way" Mary Poppins- her elegant interpretation and unique singing performances deserved her an Oscar- while Dick Van Dyke was her friend and Cockney Bert.The magic nanny who comes to put order in the family of the Banks. Mary Poppins, Jane, Michael and Bert go through unbelievable adventures: they jump into a chock painted picture, take part in a cartoon horses ride, walk on stairs made of smoke, dance on roofs, and have a "high quote" cup of tea. The viewer is projected into an incredible and visionar experience together with the protagonists.

Phrases like "Supercalifragilisticespiralidosus" or "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down", will rimain in our memory forever as well as the captivating melody of "Chim chim chee-ree", rewarded with Academy Award for Best Song.
